Regretfully, this performance by Joshua Peckins has been postponed. Any information regarding a rescheduled appearance (TBD) will be posted here (on Joshua Peckins’ concert calendar) and on the presenter’s webpage. An alternate Explorers LLI concert will take place as scheduled on March 9 at Salem State University, with colleagues Velleda Miragas, cello, and Eliko Akahori, piano, graciously agreeing to step in. Please contact the presenter with any questions or for more information. Apologies for any inconvenience. We hope to see you soon at another performance!
Violin and Piano Duo Recital
Joshua Peckins, Violin
Eliko Akahori, Piano
W. Mozart - Sonata in Bb Major
T. Hosokawa - Ancient Dance
S. Prokofiev - Sonata No 1 in f minor, Op. 80
This concert is presented by the Explorers LLI. Please contact the presenter at for more information and registration/tickets before going to the event.